| Michael Van Goren
Hi everyone. There is not a complicated answer to this question. It’s actually very simple.
Do you have adult content? Your own adult content? Then great!
Now you only need to set up a few things, two different options in Pornhub to make some money. How much money, that depends on your content and how you publish it and promote it.
But lets see the details.
Model account: create a model account, simply register to Pornhub as a normal user, then use the contact form and contact them, saying you are a model, amateur, with your own content. They will setup your account as a model and it will let you generate income from every single view. Your videos will be available for free users, and every click it receives, you will get paid for.
Studio account: as with the model account, register to Pornhub as a normal user, contact them, saying you have a studio. To do this, you need your own website and affiliate system. Then, you will be able to upload your videos, HD only, into premium area. Thats the area in Pornhub that will generate your income. For every view from subscribed users you will get paid. The number of views are much lower than the free area, but the pay ratio is much higher. Remember, under your videos you will need banners, visitors will click on them and reach your website, and for every sale, Pornhub will take their % from your affiliate program.
Important tips: in both cases, it’s highly recommended that you put a watermark on your videos. A website name, or Pornhub channel name. Consider this: Pornhub users will download your videos and someone is going to share them or repost them to other wesites. It’s very common, and you can't do much about it. So it's very important that your videos are watermarked. Not because you can protect your content, but because in the case when users will share it, at least you will have some free advertising. People who will see it in other sites, can see your site name or Pornhub channel on the video, and come and see more of your content. That means more views, and more money.
Oops! I forgot to show you how I know what I’m saying.